Volume 3

Volume 3, Number 8

April 20, 2010

18 pages1904 K bytes

Creating the Pilot AJAX Enabled Query Tool

Rachel Ford
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
Stevens Point, Wisconsin, 54481-3897, USA

Robert Dollinger
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
Stevens Point, Wisconsin, 54481-3897, USA

Abstract: The Web Based AJAX Enabled Query Tool (AEQ tool) is an educational software designed to simplify and enhance database related learning. The goals of this tool were to: (1) Provide students with an easy-to-use, remotely accessible database interface that seamlessly integrated access to multiple database clients (MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle). (2) Provide students with easy means for interaction outside of class through live chat and a shared working mode. (3) Provide instructors with an intuitive interface for organizing both class participants and also class materials. These goals could only be met through a combination of internet technologies. In addition to employing traditional client-server processing approaches throughout the application, the AEQ tool relies heavily on AJAX technology in order to provide the desired functionality while delivering a seamless user experience.

Keywords: Query tool, Rich Internet Applications, AJAX, databases, educational software

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Recommended Citation: Ford and Dollinger (2010). Creating the Pilot AJAX Enabled Query Tool. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 3 (8). http://jisar.org/3/8/. ISSN: 1946-1836. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2008: §2335..)