Journal of Information Systems Applied Research

Volume 10

V10 N1 Pages 29-43

April 2017

Gateway to Clinical Intelligence and Operational Excellence through a Patient Healthcare Smart Card System

Sadath Hussain
Xavier University
Cincinnati, OH 45207, USA

Thilini Ariyachandra
Xavier University
Cincinnati, OH 45207, USA

Mark Frolick
Xavier University
Cincinnati, OH 45207, USA

Abstract: The proliferation of technology in our daily lives has widely changed the way in which information is being captured, processed, stored and analyzed. Information systems have become an integral part of the healthcare system in the developed world. However, the patient journey through the numerous routes in the health care system can make the patient data integrity, profiling, reporting and analysis extremely challenging. It is imperative to design a model to capture the patient’s medical records from various health care contexts (i.e. Family doctors, Free Clinics, Emergency room visits, Social Services routes, Senior care facilities and Hospital systems). This article proposes a distributed healthcare information system database which captures and synchronizes information for all patients routing throughout the various services in the US health care system that uses a Unified Medical Record Access and Analysis (UMRAA) card. The proposed system acts as an integrated data solution of a patient’s medical history for use in daily operations and decision support analytics.

Keywords: Data integration, data security, healthcare analytics, medical records, multi-payer system, unified access,

Download this article: JISAR - V10 N1 Page 29.pdf

Recommended Citation: Hussain, S., Ariyachandra, T., Frolick, M. (2017). Gateway to Clinical Intelligence and Operational Excellence through a Patient Healthcare Smart Card System. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 10(1) pp 29-43. http://jisar.org/2017-10/ ISSN: 1946-1836. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2016)