Journal of Information Systems Applied Research

Volume 9

V9 N1 Pages 16-25

April 2016

Governance of Outsourcing: Building a Better Relationship

Ronald Babin
Ryerson University
Toronto, ON Canada

Shane Saunderson
Ryerson University
Toronto, ON Canada

Abstract: Outsourcing of IT and related services is an unstoppable business trend. This paper explores key requirements for successful outsourcing: governance and relationship management. The research examines the distinction between contractual governance and relational governance through a series of structured interviews with large outsource buyers. Using an outsourcing maturity model, the key question this research seeks to answer is this: what effect does outsourcing maturity have on the outsourcing relationship between a buyer and a provider? (This was paper 3308 from 2014 - accepted but not able to attend. Paper has been revised for 2015)

Keywords: Contractual Governance, Governance, Outsourcing, Relationship Management

Download this article: JISAR - V9 N1 Page 16.pdf

Recommended Citation: Babin, R., Saunderson, S. (2016). Governance of Outsourcing: Building a Better Relationship. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 9(1) pp 16-25. http://jisar.org/2016-9/ ISSN: 1946-1836. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2015)