Journal of Information Systems Applied Research

Volume 7

V7 N2 Pages 4-12

May 2014

Taxonomy of Common Software Testing Terminology: Framework for Key Software Engineering Testing Concepts

Robert Roggio
University of North Florida
Jacksonville, FL 32224, USA

Jamie Gordon
University of North Florida
Jacksonville, FL 32224, USA

James Comer
Texas Christian Universtiy
Ft Worth, TX 76129, USA

Abstract: Most accredited computing programs have at least a single course addressing a software development process. These courses typically include a discussion of fundamental concepts and terminology that includes software testing. While many key concepts are in common use, terms describing testing are often misunderstood, misused, and misguided. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework for commonly used and misused terminology central to software testing, and also to demonstrate their application in three common classes of testing: static and dynamic testing, black box and white box testing, and verification, validation, and acceptance testing.

Keywords: black-box testing, dyanmic testing, software testing, static testing, verification and validation, white-box testing

Download this article: JISAR - V7 N2 Page 4.pdf

Recommended Citation: Roggio, R., Gordon, J., Comer, J. (2014). Taxonomy of Common Software Testing Terminology: Framework for Key Software Engineering Testing Concepts. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 7(2) pp 4-12. http://jisar.org/2014-7/ ISSN: 1946-1836. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2013)